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From the moment that I heard about Access Music Project, also known as AMP!, I was intrigued by the idea of this project. The project came to my attention whilst I was reading articles on the Grocott's Mail website. In the article, Gareth Walwyn, director of the project, described the project in a way that appealed to me, in a way that resonated with some of the beliefs that I hold. He said that to deny underprivileged students the opportunity to learn music was to limit the opportunities they could have later in life, and that’s what this project was trying to fight. It was a project which hoped to provide its students with more opportunities later in life. I had never thought about music in this way before and this description opened me up to a new way of thinking. It made me question how the opportunities we are given early in life shape the decisions we make later on in our lives. Equal opportunity, especially equal education opportunities has always been something that I believe in and this project spoke to that belief of mine. This website is therefore an exploration of the opportunities AMP! provides its students. 

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